New Test Module - Shock Sensor Calibration

TestUp functionality has been updated with a new test module - Shock Sensor Calibration.

Shock sensor calibration is applied when the amplitude characteristics of the sensor exceed the maximum level of an electrodynamic shaker. In this case, the calibration is performed using an impact or shock machine. The process of shock sensor calibration can be divided into two parts. First, we need to perform a series of high-amplitude shocks. Second, we compare the results with the reference sensor data.


  • Supports all types of shock machines: anvil calibrator, pneumatic piston calibrator, pendulum calibrator, drop ball calibrator, and Hopkinson bar calibrator;
  • Provides easy and fast results: place the accelerometer at the shock machine and get automatic results;
  • Combines impact detection and calculation of calibration results;
  • Covers all your calibration needs with various features and options.


  • What standard do you rely on?

ISO 16063-22 is the main standard for the shock calibration procedure. It describes the process, the scope and provides examples of different shock machines usage.

  • What maximum amplitude level can be measured?

First of all, it depends on the type of sensor. The maximum value measured by RL-C21 is up to 10000 mV or 10000 pC per channel. To get the maximum value that can be detected you need to divide this value by sensor’s sensitivity.

  • Can I run shock calibration using an electrodynamic shaker if I have low level amplitude?

Sure, however, in this case 2 systems are required: the first one for shock control and the second for calibration.

  • What does RULA manufacture for shock sensor calibration?

Vibration controllers and software.

Watch our webinar to learn more about shock sensor calibration: 

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