New Software Version: TestUp v60

The new vibration test software version 60 is available for download in the Downloads section of the website. Continue reading for the changes we have made.

General Changes: 

  • Export graph to Excel as graph, i.e. export data and automatically create a diagram;
  • Creating graphs for each channel of the test in report. E.g. there is about 200 channels, and a graph of acceleration vs frequency can be created automatically for each channel;
  • Creating 4 graphs in one window;
  • RL-C21 and RL-C21M can work together, RL-C21M must be master device;
  • Analysis library which calculates:
  • FRF (via H1/H2/Hv);
  • Coherence;
  • Cross-spectrum;
  • Cross-plot;
  • Dedicated panel for checking RL-C25 input state (via comparison to inner precise generator);
  • Peak notes for graphs.

Besides, the following behaviors have been changed:

  • Now the test can be continued after changing data on the following tabs:
  • Analysis tab;
  • Limits Tab (V/g ratio, limits and notches values, enabling and disabling notch limits);
  • Channels Tab (changing channel from control to measuring and vice versa, control strategy);
  • Emergency stop by IEPE overrange has been divided into two features (for control and monitoring channels);
  • Task level settings now takes in account floating values;
  • IEPE overrange warning message has been added to transient capture and shaker verification tests;
  • Data recording feature has been added to transient capture and shaker verification tests.

Sine Test: 

  • Cycle count feature has been added;
  • Base channel on graphs now changes with the changing of the control channel;
  • Open channels feature has been added;
  • Optimization for multi-channel systems has been done.

Shock Test: 

  • Measured duration of the pulse has been added to the control panel;
  • MIL STD 202 limits have been added.


  • Positive and negative SRS plots have been added.

Shaker Verification:

  • New report format, which includes graphs has been added.

Fatigue Test: 

  • Emergency stop of exceeding limit N times per period has been added;
  • Resonance log feature has been added.

Accelerometer Calibration: 

  • Added feature of setting different bookmarks for graphs in report.

The new vibration test software TestUP version 60 is available for download in the Downloads section of the website.

For more information about our vibration testing software, contact us through email or phone: +371 6610 2166.

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